Inspiration for the Journey
Join us as we explore conscious parenting, reimagine what is possible as parents and as people, and ask the question: "how can we set our kids up to live their best lives?"
What Is Soul Path Parenting?

Ever wondered how to raise spiritually connected children and stay inspired, conscious (and sane!) while doing it? Want to know how to support your kids (and yourself) in living their best - most authentic - lives from the start?
Here at Soul Path Parenting we believe life can be a journey toward wholeness, toward reconnecting with who we are authentically meant to be. We walk this path of growth and discovery with our children, with our partners, and within ourselves. These are the stories of what’s possible. These are the conversations that light the way.
Join us on this journey of discovery on our podcast and our blog as we talk with spiritual leaders, authors, doctors, researchers, coaches, mediums, teachers, parents and children. Welcome to Soul Path Parenting.
In your day-to-day life as a parent (and a human!), have you ever felt like….
Am I doing this “right”? Am I a “good” parent? Why is this so hard?
I know I want to do things differently than when I was a kid, but what does it look like?
I feel stuck. I know there’s more to life, but what does it look like? How can I create what I have never seen?
I’m struggling to find role models. How can I give what I have not received?
If so, then you are in the right place!
Latest Episodes
This episode has been a long time coming! Two years ago in Episode 16, we had our first conversation on education with Dr. William Spady, the father of outcome based education…
For beginners, the act of meditating can feel intimidating and complicated. You might feel like you can’t quite get it right or are doing it “wrong”, but this week’s guest helps us rethink the notion…
Grief, death, and loss can be such painful subjects to discuss, understand, and live with. We may struggle under the weight and pain to process our grief, as well as that of those around us, but life cannot exist without death.
Inspired by Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, Amy and Lauren explore the idea of authentic connection…
It’s Thanksgiving week and what better way to celebrate than by talking about giving and gratitude! This week we our conversation found itself centering around the Rumi quote…
It’s our anniversary! It’s been two whole years since Soul Path Parenting launched and one year since Lauren joined us as our brilliant, insightful, and overall spectacular co-host!
Have you ever felt two seemingly contradictory feelings or thoughts at the same time? It can be confusing, frustrating, and make us feel like we have to choose between these feelings or thoughts…
Calm and content reflect the opposite of some of the more volatile, unpleasant, and high energy feelings like anger, anxiety, and fear that we’ve discussed in prior episodes…
Play - it’s fun, it’s joyous, it’s creative, it’s good for our bodies and souls - so why don’t we do it more often? Why are work and play considered polar opposites?
Latest From the Blog
Transformation. It’s a word we hear all the time in workshops, self-help books and spiritually-minded circles. Yet, unless we’ve experienced severe…
Giving up control is one of the hardest parenting traps for me to get out of. Growing up in a tumultuous and unstable household, tightly controlling…
I experienced a deeply painful turning point in my life this past summer. Before that, I definitely fell into the parenting pitfall of coddling my young daughter…
Love and fear cannot exist in the same moment. This core premise that underpins Conscious Parenting’s Myth #5…
This morning as I was helping my four-year-old daughter, Lexi, get ready for school, she asked: “Where’s daddy? Why isn’t he taking me to school?”
How would you answer this question: “Is your child good or bad?” “When are they good?” “When are they bad?”
I have what conventional parenting experts call a “strong willed child.” My daughter’s propensity for…
What I remember from my pre-school/kindergarten years is creating dirt cakes decorated with dandelions and tacos out of giant leaves…
Who thought that when schools started shutting down in March for COVID that we would still be dealing with it in fall?
If we had been taught in childhood, by our parents and teachers, to honor the activities and interests that naturally ignited our curiosity…
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One of the things that most lights us up here at Soul Path Parenting is talking about what’s possible. In our Reimagining Education Series we’ve been focusing on what's possible in education…