67: The Beauty of Both/And: Contradictions and "Clarity"

With: Amy and Lauren


Have you ever felt two seemingly contradictory feelings or thoughts at the same time? It can be confusing, frustrating, and make us feel like we have to choose between those feelings or thoughts, but do we really have to fight against the contradictions? This week Amy and Lauren explore how we can live in - and love - the contradictions that are inherent to life and find beauty in both/and.

In this episode we talk about:

  • Breaking down false dichotomies and holding space for all things.

  • How are inner child and adult self can contradict each other and the benefit of learning to hold space for both.

  • Why judgement can stand in the way of our truth.

  • The seemingly contradictory nature of life and death.

  • How embracing the contradictions inherent to life can help us find “clarity.”

Links so you can explore more:

We also invite you to email us if you have questions about something that we talked about or would like to share your journey with us. We'd love to hear from you at amy@soulpathparenting.com or lauren@soulpathparenting.com!


68: Breaking Rules, Finding Freedom, and Building Bridges, Together (Anniversary Episode!)


66: Feeling Our Way to Wholeness: Calm & Content