73: Learning Styles: The Different Ways We Learn (and Play!)
This episode has been a long time coming! Two years ago in Episode 16, we had our first conversation on education with Dr. William Spady, the father of outcome based education…
72: Sit, Observe, Surrender: Demystifying Meditation
For beginners, the act of meditating can feel intimidating and complicated. You might feel like you can’t quite get it right or are doing it “wrong”, but this week’s guest helps us rethink the notion…
71: Holding Space for Grief
Grief, death, and loss can be such painful subjects to discuss, understand, and live with. We may struggle under the weight and pain to process our grief, as well as that of those around us, but life cannot exist without death.
70: Authentic Connection: What's Possible in Relationships if We Bring Our Whole Selves
Inspired by Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, Amy and Lauren explore the idea of authentic connection…
69: Healing, Slowing Down, and Giving from Our Overflow
It’s Thanksgiving week and what better way to celebrate than by talking about giving and gratitude! This week we our conversation found itself centering around the Rumi quote…
68: Breaking Rules, Finding Freedom, and Building Bridges, Together (Anniversary Episode!)
It’s our anniversary! It’s been two whole years since Soul Path Parenting launched and one year since Lauren joined us as our brilliant, insightful, and overall spectacular co-host!
67: The Beauty of Both/And: Contradictions and "Clarity"
Have you ever felt two seemingly contradictory feelings or thoughts at the same time? It can be confusing, frustrating, and make us feel like we have to choose between these feelings or thoughts…
66: Feeling Our Way to Wholeness: Calm & Content
Calm and content reflect the opposite of some of the more volatile, unpleasant, and high energy feelings like anger, anxiety, and fear that we’ve discussed in prior episodes…
65: What If Play is the Work of Childhood? Shifting Paradigms and Starting a Play Revolution
Play - it’s fun, it’s joyous, it’s creative, it’s good for our bodies and souls - so why don’t we do it more often? Why are work and play considered polar opposites?
64: Reimagining Education: What School Could Be
One of the things that most lights us up here at Soul Path Parenting is talking about what’s possible. In our Reimagining Education Series we’ve been focusing on what's possible in education…
63: Reimagining Education: Making Trouble as a Reflective Rebel & Questioning False Dichotomies in Education
In this installment of the Reimagining Education Series, Lauren is joined by prolific author and lecturer, Alfie Kohn, described in Time magazine as “perhaps the country’s most outspoken critic of education’s fixation on grades [and] test scores.”
62: Reimagining Education: What if Schools Were Learner-Centered and Supported with Radical Trust?
How does the way a school views its students impact their learning? What happens when we radically trust students and educators? How can we better integrate communities into schools?
61: Feeling Our Way to Wholeness: Anxiety
Anxiety can show up for us in many different ways. For some, it is an ever present companion, for others it’s triggered by work, social interactions, or new experiences…
60: A Conscious Parenting Conversation with Stacey Yates Sellar
In this episode, Lauren is joined by fellow parenting coach and host of the Happier Mom By the Minute podcast -- Stacey Yates Sellar…
59: Feeling Our Way to Wholeness: Fear
Fear is one of our most primal feelings. The feeling of fear can lie on a spectrum from an agitated bubbly excitement to a survival level driver that activates our fight, flight, or freeze response…
58: Astrology and Parenting: How the Natal Chart Can Reveal the Soul’s Lesson Plan
In this week’s episode, Amy is joined by certified professional astrologer and parenting coach, Tara Vogel, as they explore how astrology can help guide us in our parenting journey!
57: Feeling Our Way to Wholeness: Anger & Passion
Anger, it can one of our most volatile feelings. Like a fire breathing dragon, it can feel out of control, consume us, and scorch those around us…
56: Feeling Our Way to Wholeness: Joy & Sadness
In our second installment in the Feeling Our Way to Wholeness Series, Amy and Lauren tackle joy and sadness! While we might assume that joy and sadness are perpetually at odds with one another…
55: Feeling Our Way to Wholeness: Series Introduction
In this episode we’re kicking off another new series that’s all about feelings! Sometimes our feelings can be overwhelming and confuse us, making it difficult to express what we’re really going through…
54: Yes, No, and Maybe So: How to Answer Authentically and Teach our Kids to do the Same
Yes and no aren’t always the polar opposites we make them out to be. There can be hell yeses and hell noes, maybes, I don’t knows, and everything else in between…