Gratitude Can Transform Your Parenting – And Your Life!
Transformation. It’s a word we hear all the time in workshops, self-help books and spiritually-minded circles. Yet, unless we’ve experienced severe…
How Giving Up Control Can Set Parents and Kids Free
Giving up control is one of the hardest parenting traps for me to get out of. Growing up in a tumultuous and unstable household, tightly controlling…
How Embracing Pain Transformed My Parenting
I experienced a deeply painful turning point in my life this past summer. Before that, I definitely fell into the parenting pitfall of coddling my young daughter…
What Does It Mean to Be a Truly “Loving” Parent
Love and fear cannot exist in the same moment. This core premise that underpins Conscious Parenting’s Myth #5…
I’m an Imperfect Parent. And That’s Perfect.
This morning as I was helping my four-year-old daughter, Lexi, get ready for school, she asked: “Where’s daddy? Why isn’t he taking me to school?”
Is Your Child’s “Bad” Behavior a Call for Attention & Acceptance?
How would you answer this question: “Is your child good or bad?” “When are they good?” “When are they bad?”
Conscious Parenting: What Happened When I Let Go & Tuned In
I have what conventional parenting experts call a “strong willed child.” My daughter’s propensity for…
Antidotes to Screen Time: How to Make Learning More Tactile
What I remember from my pre-school/kindergarten years is creating dirt cakes decorated with dandelions and tacos out of giant leaves…
Back to School Online: How to Cope
Who thought that when schools started shutting down in March for COVID that we would still be dealing with it in fall?
Back to School with Purpose: How To Teach to Your Child, Not a Curriculum
If we had been taught in childhood, by our parents and teachers, to honor the activities and interests that naturally ignited our curiosity…
How to Meet Chaos with Calm: 3 Minutes to Return to Parenting Sanity
Cooped up at home trying to balance work and childcare, I’ve found my fuse short, anxiety and frustration lurking just below the surface of calm capability…
How I Stopped a Meltdown with Three Magical Questions
Like many of you who are riding out the coronavirus pandemic with little ones at home, I have been challenged to keep my three-year-old occupied…
Time to Re-Think School? Re-Imagining Education In a Way that Honors Our Children’s Innate Creative Intelligence
The coronavirus pandemic has forced many of us to get up close and personal with our children’s development and education…
Dealing with Change: A Mom Talks About Leaving the Nest During a Global Pandemic
As parents, the changes we go through with our kids can be at the top of the list of things that produce anxiety…
How to Teach Kids to Live by Their Intuition: Trusting Feelings vs. Being Ruled by Emotions
Yesterday, my now-grown child had to make a big decision about whether to move to Minneapolis or not…
The Riches of Divorce: How the “Divine Disruption” of Divorcing Can Make You a Better Parent
When I decided to finally date again after my divorce, I vowed that I would only date men who had been through divorce…
How Divorce Can Make You a Better Parent: Teaching the Strength & Resiliency of the Heart
Some of the best advice I was ever given as a young person that I wished I had gotten from my parents was, when it comes to the heart, “get annihilated.”
Break Through Your Joy Glass Ceiling
I was sitting on a smooth, warm rock, by the side of a Colorado stream that carved through a small canyon near my home…
The Power of Non-Attachment: In This Moment, All Is Well
The beauty of non-attachment is that it lands us in the present moment and ignites a vibrancy that’s not possible when we’re gunning – or manipulating…
How to Bring the Power of Open-Ended Play into Your Parenting
There has been much research done that proves open-ended play does wonders for kids intellectual and emotional development…