Antidotes to Screen Time: How to Make Learning More Tactile
What I remember from my pre-school/kindergarten years is creating dirt cakes decorated with dandelions and tacos out of giant leaves…
Back to School Online: How to Cope
Who thought that when schools started shutting down in March for COVID that we would still be dealing with it in fall?
Back to School with Purpose: How To Teach to Your Child, Not a Curriculum
If we had been taught in childhood, by our parents and teachers, to honor the activities and interests that naturally ignited our curiosity…
How I Stopped a Meltdown with Three Magical Questions
Like many of you who are riding out the coronavirus pandemic with little ones at home, I have been challenged to keep my three-year-old occupied…
Time to Re-Think School? Re-Imagining Education In a Way that Honors Our Children’s Innate Creative Intelligence
The coronavirus pandemic has forced many of us to get up close and personal with our children’s development and education…
Coronavirus and the Opportunity for an Evolved “New Normal”
Staying at home during the novel coronavirus pandemic hasn’t just changed our daily routines, it’s dramatically impacted the larger world in which we live, perhaps forever…
How to Let Go of “How-To” & Parent with the Outcome as the Goal
A couple of weeks ago, I found myself in a cafe in charge of a 3-year-old. In the corner of the cafe was a giant, three-foot wooden version of the game Connect Four…