Conscious Parenting Series
Conscious Parenting Series: Releasing the Myths that Bind Us
This Series runs from Sept 15 to Dec 15. Joining me on this journey to illuminate the conscious parenting myths are nineteen other conscious parenting coaches from across six continents. (Yes, this conscious parenting movement is worldwide!) They generously and vulnerably share their own stories so that you can see the difference that conscious parenting has made in their lives…and the difference it can make in yours.
The Soul Path Parenting podcast has focused on exploring one important & inspiring question: “How do we set our kids up to live their best lives?… to be the most authentic expression of who they’re meant to be?” I’ve asked this question of therapists, educators, coaches, religious leaders, and spiritual teachers. And if I could only choose one answer to share with the world, it would be this: parent consciously. But what does this look like in our day-to-day lives?
Because I believe conscious parenting is so fundamentally important to our lives, our children’s lives, and, frankly, the future of humanity, we are dedicating an entire series to it! Our focus is understanding the parenting myths that Dr. Shefali Tsabary outlines in her book, The Awakened Family. If you’re anything like me — or most other humans on the planet — you’ve been so steeped in these myths that you accept them as truths! These myths have been handed down to us from our parents, from our culture, from other institutions like school and religion — and they tell us how things should be. The problem is, they’re just made up. And the even bigger problem is, these beliefs set us up to suffer because they disconnect us from who we and our children are authentically meant to be.
As Dr. Shefali says, “When we break out of the collective parental trance and see society’s parenting myths for what they are, we open the way to seeing our children as they are.” And this, my friends, is where it all begins. Only by seeing our children as they are, can we create the conditions for them to express themselves authentically, for them to know that they are enough just as they are.
This series is going to challenge what you believe about:
Success & happiness
“Good” kids and “bad” kids
And, most importantly, what parenting is about
Join us for this inspiring series!
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