52: Cruci-FICTION: Awakening from the False Story of Judgment, Sin and Separateness
As a child, I remember often being told, "Jesus died on the cross for your sins." He did? More than anything, this was profoundly confusing. (I remember thinking, "but he didn't even know me....").
48: Reincarnation: Stories of Children Who Remember Past Lives
In this episode, we talk with Tom Shroder, an award winning journalist and author of Old Souls. Tom became interested in reincarnation in the late '80s…
44: Jesus the Wisdom Teacher: Exploring Christ Consciousness and What it Means for All of Us
Who was Jesus…really? What did he really intend to teach? What is Christ consciousness? And what does all this mean…
32: Science Meets Spirit: An End to “Upside Down Living” (Part 2)
In part 2 of our 2-part series with Mark Gober, we talk about setting our compass for how we live our lives and parent our kids based on everything we understand…
31: Science Meets Spirit: An End to “Upside Down Thinking” (Part 1)
Have you ever read a book and knew that your life would never be the same? That’s how I felt after reading…
28: Awakening from Our Illusion of Separateness: The Gift of the Current Crisis
Patricia Pearce writes, “Jesus has become an obstacle to our spiritual evolution — not because of who he was but because of who we have made him out to be…
24: The Spiritual Opportunities of the Stay-at-Home Experience, Easter and Beyond
If we believe that every experience is here for us rather than happening to us, then we might ask ourselves, what is the opportunity…
23: An Open Tent: Inspiration from Jewish Spirituality and Practice for Everyone
As we look for ways to raise spiritually connected children, inspiration abounds! Today’s guest, Rabbi Caryn Aviv, beautifully shares practices and lessons from…
20: Parenting on a Prayer: Ancient Jewish Secrets for Raising Modern Children
In this episode, we talk with Rabbi Amy Grossblatt Pessah about her new book, Parenting on a Prayer: Ancient Jewish Secrets for Raising Modern Children…
14: Beautiful Buddhist-Inspired Approaches to Nurturing and Guiding Children
In this episode we talk with Steve Sachs, the co-director of Alaya Preschool, which draws on the wisdom of the Shambhala Buddhist tradition to inspire…
13: Soul Groups, Past Lives, and How Children Choose Their Parents (Part 2)
In this episode, we finish part 2 of our conversation with Pat Windom, a life path counselor with a Masters in Theology and special intuitive gifts…
12: Discovering Who We Are + How the Age of Aquarius is Shifting the Balance of Masculine & Feminine Energy on the Planet (Part 1)
In this episode, we talk with Pat Windom, a life path counselor with a Masters in Theology and special intuitive gifts…
10: Recognizing Our Children’s Special Gifts (Part 2)
Tryna Cooper is co-founder of Journeys for Conscious Living and a master of metaphysics. She was raised Christian, married a Jew, and has studied with a Native American elder for many years…
8: Jesus, the Man, Spiritual Teacher, Master Metaphysician (Part 1)
In this episode, we talk with Tryna Cooper about Jesus, the man, the spiritual teacher, the metaphysician…