72: Sit, Observe, Surrender: Demystifying Meditation
For beginners, the act of meditating can feel intimidating and complicated. You might feel like you can’t quite get it right or are doing it “wrong”, but this week’s guest helps us rethink the notion…
43: Parenting Myth #6: Parenting Is About Raising a Happy Child
I love this myth so much! I believe that by unlocking our beliefs about happiness (and the ways we are blocking it), we can transform our lives…
42: Parenting Myth #5: A Good Parent is a Loving One
Here’s the myth we’re talking about in this episode: A good parent is a loving one. If you’re thinking, “Hang on! How…
41: What We’ve Learned & Our Big News…Anniversary Episode!
I can hardly believe it! It’s been a year since Soul Path Parenting launched. We have learned soooo much…
40: Parenting Myth #4: Good Parents are Naturals
Today we are talking about parenting myth #4: Good parents are naturals. And I have to tell you, it only took days into being a parent (maybe just hours!) for me to realize…
39: Parenting Myth #3: There are Good Children and Bad Children
What I have come to understand is that there are no good or bad children. There are compliant children, defiant children, and then there are authentic children…
38: Parenting Myth #2: A Successful Child is Ahead of the Curve
This is one of my favorite parenting myths and has probably made the biggest difference for me in my life personally and as a parent…
37: Parenting Myth #1: Parenting is About the Child
When I first heard this myth — parenting is about the child — I thought, “Wait. Whaaat?!” If it’s not about the child…
36: Conscious Parenting: A Parent’s Greatest Gift is Awakening
Over the 10 months of this podcast, we have focused on exploring one important & inspiring question: “How do we set our kids up to live their best lives?…