47: Bridging the Political Divide; Transforming Conflict into Connection

Guest: Chris Sautter, Entrepreneur & Intentional Communicator

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How do we intentionally co-create connecting conversations, particularly when they are about topics that tend to be divisive like politics? How do we ensure that everyone’s voice is heard, and each person feels seen and valued as they are? How might we model for and teach our children to relate to difference from a place of mutual respect and curiosity? These are some of the ideas we explore in this episode about shifting our communication from competitive to connecting. 

In this episode, Lauren speaks with Chris Sautter, an entrepreneur and intentional communicator, about how to bridge the political divide, why we need diverse points of view, and how to approach conversations as a way to build bridges that lead to mutual understanding. 

We learn in this episode:

  • How to shift from the common, competitive framing of conversations in which people try to “win” the conversation by proving that their perspective is “right” and the other person’s is “wrong,” to a more connection focused model of communicating in which each person is assumed to have a valid perspective for that person, and the goal is to learn more about each other and move toward deeper mutual understanding.

  • In order to get better at navigating conflict, we need to choose to move towards conflict in an intentional way, so we can hone our connection skills and learn to self-regulate in moments of tension or discomfort and practice bringing our best selves to those moments.

  • If we catch ourselves unconsciously framing things in a competitive way, we can pause, breathe, and shift back towards connection and the shared goal of mutual understanding.

  • We can model for our children how to bring humility and our full humanity to difficult conversations, co-creating an opportunity to seek win/win solutions to problems in which each person’s concerns are heard, valued, and incorporated into mutually beneficial resolutions.

If you found this episode helpful, we encourage you to share it with anyone in your life who might also benefit from the ideas explored and the suggestions offered that shine a light on how we might co-create a more peaceful world in which we come together in pursuit of shared values, while including and benefitting from our diverse perspectives. 


48: Reincarnation: Stories of Children Who Remember Past Lives


46: Transformation: Powerful Possibilities for the Stories We Tell and the Lives We Create